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Solar-Thermal Hybrid Vehicle — Construction Photos

April 29, 2009 Auto Manufacturer No Comments

Gallery Photographs Added


Finished In The Paint Booth, A Dignified Patriotic Paint Job With Sparkle

Photo sheets related to construction of the Solar-Thermal Hybrid Automobile have been added to the Gallery Photographs.  You will need to go to the Gallery Tab at the top of the page to access the Solar-Thermal Hybrid photos.  Normally, you could scroll down the page and on the right side you will see the gallery posted on the main page.  However, this link apparently is not active because of the size of the composite photographs.

Photographs Taken During Construction

These photographs were taken during construction of the vehicle.  One photo sheet is of the documentation associated with the photographs.  After about 30 years in the album, the album started coming apart and deterioration has affected the text entries.

Effort of reporting about the Experimental Vehicle in the Tribune is to provide a functional record for those who have academic or general interest about this topic.

Polaroid Photographs Were State-of-the-Art

Red, White and Three Shades of Blue Leaving The Paint Booth

Red, White and Three Shades of Blue Leaving The Paint Booth

At the time that this project was being conducted traditional Polaroid Photographs were state-of-the-art for quick photographs.  They do not have great resolution but they are the best graphic documentation that exists.

Text Explanation

Text information page is very significant.  It contains the explanation information associated with the photographs.  From the condition of the archive, it appears that some of the text entries have been lost over time.  Loss of some photographs also appears to have occurred.

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