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GM — Into The Second Century At Year 101

gm-logoThere is a very strong probability that a reader of the Tribune is an automotive enthusiast, otherwise it is pretty unlikely that you would be following along with this gear-clashing chaos that is breaking out between Detroit and Washington.  Today the top story in the Wall Street Journal and the Nightly News have the lead story about Mr. Wagoner being let go by Mr. Obama.  From the Tribune’s position that makes total sense because reflecting on history associated with the Titanic, just ask yourself if Captain Smith would of deserved a bonus for hitting the iceberg?  Well, Mr. Wagoner’s company has continued to lose about 1% market share since he became CEO in 2000.

Last month the Tribune reported about the GM crisis.

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Brock Yates Leaves Car & Driver

Tribune Editor and Brock Yates in 2003 at the Amelia Island ConcoursBrock Yates, the trivia, blasphemy, and other unprintable news man reports about being fired in his January 30, 2008  article at where Editor Csabe Csere of Car and Driver magazine “let him go”.

Automotive Tribune Editor (L) and Brock Yates (R) photo taken at the Amelia Island Concours in 2003.

Right now Brock seems to be in a position of re-assessment of options regarding which forum or podium he wants to ascend / tackle / affiliate because of the public’s shift from print to internet.

Brock is absolutely one of the preimminent automotive journalists in the world.  I enjoyed his humor in Car & Driver starting in the late 1960’s.  Brock is opinionated in a manner that probably turns many people off but his writing is always tied to freedom / USA / individual success / upbeat-at-heart even in tough times. … Continue Reading